OMNI-SHIELD: For light precipitation and everyday protection against stains, this garment repels rain, resists stains, and dries quickly.
OMNI-SHADE: For mild to extreme sun exposure. Blocks harmful UVA and UVB rays that cause sunburns and long-term skin damage. The tight weave construction offers lasting sun protection against the full spectrum of sunshine.
COMFORT STRETCH: Crafted from an Omni-Shield Summiteer Lite nylon blend that offers a hint of give, quick-drying properties, and all-day comfort.
HANDY FEATURES: These capris feature a mid-rise form, a drawstring adjustable waist, and hand pockets, along with a back pocket, for added convenience.
BUILT TO LAST: Columbia’s attention to detail is what sets our apparel apart. Specifying only the highest quality materials, expert stitching, and craftsmanship. This is a long-lasting garment you will enjoy for seasons to come.